Saturday, December 12, 2009

WARNING: This blog entry contains nudity

WARNING: This blog entry contains nudity, both gratuitous and the other kind. If you have a problem with excessive nudity, then immediately consult a physician about it but for God's sake don't join the NRA (the Nudity Removal Association, that is).

If you can imagine a land where nudity reigns supreme, then you have just touched the tip of the iceberg where it comes to this clothing-optional religion that I'm thinking about starting. Seriously, think about this: What if Eve hadn't eaten the apple way back 6,000 years ago when life originally began? Might the earth today just be one big nudist colony? Would we all be wearing designer fig leaves?

Imagine a world where nudity runs rampant. The police are nude, the fire fighters are nude, the postal workers are nude, the sanitary engineers (or what in less PC times we called garbage men) are nude. The mayor is nude. The bill collectors are nude. Your landlord is nude.

Didn't I tell you there was going to be a lot of nudity in this piece?

...the telephone repairman is nude, the newspaper advice columnist is nude, the door to door salesman is nude, the Jehova's Witness is...oh, wait, they're never nude! The information technology specialist is nude, the nuclear astrophysicist is nude, the motivational speaker is nude...

The only people that wouldn't be nude are what would be called "dressers." Nude men would go to the sleazy part of town to see shows where nude women would slowly and seductively put on various items of clothing in time to a throbbing disco beat. They would do a dance known as a "dress-tease."

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